

I am currently a data scientist at China Guangfa Bank (CGB). Before that, I received my B.S and M.Eng degrees at Beijing Institute of Technology and National University of Defense Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Hua Wang and Prof. Ping Zhong in 2018 and 2020 respectively. My research interests focus on remote sensing, computer vision and deep learning. I also focused on few-shot learning previously.


  • National University of Defense Technology, M.Eng
    2018.9 - 2020.12
  • Beijing Institute of Technology, B.S
    2014.9 - 2018.6

Selected Publications


  • 🖼️   My first name is Zixuan which sounds quite poetic in Chinese.
  • 🏊   I love swimming and I swam with my friends at the NUDT swimming pool every week.
  • 🎮   An enthusiast of Stardew Valley and a cloud player of Dota 2.